Niels Laustsen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Niels Laustsen)


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Gårdbutik skal fjerne skilte som har været der i over 30 år
— For så skal vi sige ja til rigtig mange skilte, siger Niels Laustsen. - Hvis politikerne mener, vi skal tolke vejloven anderledes, ... › samfund

Video: Niels Laustsen, "Closed operator ideals on the Banach space of...
Niels Laustsen speaking at BIRS workshop, Banach space theory, on Tuesday, March 6, on the topic: Closed operator ideals on the Banach space of continuous...

A C(K) space with few operators and few decompositions | College of...
· previous work of Koszmider in which an extra set-theoretic hypothesis was required. Presenter Name: Niels Laustsen. Presenter Organization:.
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