Nikola Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nikola Just)


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How Nikola Jokic became the NBA's most improbable MVP
· Strahinja: “Me and Nemanja we play basketball, not (at) some serious level, and Nikola just loved that through us. He (saw) what he can be.”.

Nikola, GM still negotiating $2B partnership as target date ›
· GM announced its partnership with Nikola just two days before short-selling investment firm Hindenburg Research published a report calling ...

Nikola, 30, hade änglavakt – var nära döden i dödsolyckan
Nikola Franov krockade med en rattfull bilist som körde i motsatt färdriktning. Han var nära att stryka med och passageraren i den andra bilen omkom.

'Impossible' for Nikola Kalinic to stay at Blackburn - agent - Mirror...
"Nikola just wants to play football. It is a crazy situation because it looks impossible for him to play football at Blackburn," says Tomislav Erceg.
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