Oliver Heath Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Heath)


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Sustainable architectural designer Oliver Heath and Grundig create an...

Sustainable architectural designer Oliver Heath and Grundig create an eco-friendly kitchen. Promoted Content. Bring your kitchen alive with plants and light. November , 12:01am ...

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Greener kitchen is just rubbish

Many people already recycle kitchen rubbish - but the truly eco-friendly can now make their kitchens out of recycled rubbish.

Interior: At the home of design guru Oliver Heath | Express.co.uk

WITH a love of reclaimed timbers and natural fibres, design guru Oliver Heath has created an eco-friendly home for his family in Brighton. Have a peek inside...

Guardian: Oliver Heath | The Guardian

How to reduce water consumption in your home. As a hosepipe ban is slapped on the drought-hit south-east of the UK, TV presenter and eco design expert Oliver Heath offers his advice on stopping those precious litres leaking away. Published: 5 Apr How to reduce water consumption in your home. January
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Mark Wachal
Vorname "Oliver" (42674)
Name "Heath" (839)
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