Our Class Person-Info 

( Ich bin Our Class)


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Guardian: Our Class | Theatre | The Guardian

Cottesloe, London: History revisited in blood, bigotry and communal guilt, says Michael Billington

Is Our Class at the National Theatre really such a reliable history...

A recommendation to see Tadeusz Slobodzianek's Our Class at the National Theatre would be qualified by some unshakeable misgivings about how the play...

Cyprus : Our Class

Friday, February 26th, THOC presents the play 'Our Class' by the Polish playwright, director and theatre critic Tadeusz Słobodzianek. The play is the...

UKLA Our Class Loves this Book:The Just Imagine Award | UKLA Awards

Our Class Loves This Book: The John Downing Award. This prestigious UKLA Award celebrates a class' response (led by their teacher) to one of the books ...
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Vorname "Our" (74)
Name "Class" (381)
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