Pat Hathaway Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pat Hathaway)


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Around Britain's coastline in 15 years
Ken and Pat Hathaway have just finished a 15-year odyssey visiting every coastal place, from the tiniest hamlet to the biggest and most popular resort.

CONJUNCTION: The Emerging Connection of Cannery Row, the historic...
It was the kneeling photo of Ed Ricketts (left) from the Pat Hathaway Collection at California Views that inspired Hemp to research the maritime, ...

Local Historian Explores Cannery Row Connections to the PNW | Key...
Ted Olinger, KP News Ed Ricketts examines the beach near Port Townsend sometime in the 1930s. Courtesy Pat Hathaway Collection. Michael Kenneth Hemp...

The American West Web Resources | Department of History
California Views : The Pat Hathaway Collection The Pat Hathaway Collection. Holdings: over 75,000 images from ; contains View ...
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Name "Hathaway" (160)
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