Patricio Humberto Parada Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patricio Humberto Parada)


(1 - 4 von 19

Studie: Grillfleisch und Barbecue könnten Sterblichkeit nach...
Chapel Hill – Frauen, die einen Brustkrebs überlebt haben, sind nach einer bevölkerungsbasierten Studie im Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2017;...

Barbecued and smoked meat tied to risk of death Fox News
"There are many carcinogens found in grilled or smoked meats," said lead study author Humberto Parada, a researcher at the University of ...

Humberto+Parada - Noticias - Buscador Emol
Humberto Parada Berger, quien asumirá hoy sus funciones en esa Secretaría de  ...

Barbecued and smoked meat tied to risk of death from breast cancer -...
author Humberto Parada, a researcher at the University of ...
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Person "Parada" (1)
Vorname "Humberto" (632)
Name "Parada" (1110)
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