Paul Houle Person-Info 

( Ich bin Paul Houle)


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How an Apple Watch May Have Saved a Teen's Life - ABC News
In early September, Paul Houle Jr., 17, bought himself an Apple Watch with his hard-earned money from his summer job, he told ABC News.

Apple Watch rettet 17-jährigem Football-Spieler womöglich das Leben -...
Die Apple Watch führt Statistiken darüber, wie es um den Herzschlag ihres Trägers bestellt ist. Genau diese Tatsache hat womöglich einem 17-jährigen...

Topic: Hey TC, I'm back from the convention! — TinyChan
Tinychan: the biggest smallest imageboard on the web.

Apple Watch helps save teen athlete's life - CBS News
"I'm just happy to be alive," teen says, after his new Apple Watch sent a life-saving health alert
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Vorname "Paul" (53446)
Name "Houle" (370)
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