Pearl Simplicity Button Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pearl Simplicity Button)


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The Pearl Button: Chilean documentary is poetic journalism - The...
Filmmaker Patricio Guzman compares the fate of the indigenous people of Patagonia with that of the disappeared of the Pinochet regime

Guardian: The Pearl Button review – a metaphysical look at Chile's traumatic...

Patricio Guzmán’s study of the political killings of the 1970s, as well as the country’s history of violence, enhances his re…tion as one of the great...

The Pearl Button, film review: Atrocities that many Chileans would...
Patricio Guzmán's essay-style documentary is a deceptive but very moving affair. It starts in mystical fashion with reflections on a block of quartz discovered...

The Pearl Button | › event › pearl-button
Like his film essay Nostalgia for the Light and his most recent work, The Cordillera of Dreams, The Pearl Button beautifully weaves together strands of ...
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