Pedram Shojai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pedram Shojai)


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5 tips for de-stressing from a foul-mouthed monk | New York Post
· Pedram Shojai is a practitioner of Eastern medicine and an ordained Taoist monk — but he's not your average guru. “I'm sarcastic and punchy.

“Get your heart rate up.”, with Dr. Pedram Shojai
· As a part of my series about “How to Slow Down To Do More” I had the pleasure to interview Dr. Pedram Shojai, the New York Times bestselling ...

Pedram Shojai | The Urban Monk | Funky Brain Podcast | Dennis Berry -...
— Pedram Shojai is a Taoist abbot, doctor of Chinese medicine, and qigong master LinkedIn: › ...

Slick eco-doc 'Prosperity' promotes more than it explores - Los...
Documentary follows Dr. Pedram Shojai across the U.S. as he studies conscious consumerism and more sustainable ways of living.
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