Peter Finn Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Finn)


(1 - 4 von 36
) Stuxnet-Untersuchungen: FBI eröffnet Jagd auf Geheimnisverräter

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - Die USA starten eine Offensive gegen Whistleblower. Das FBI fahndet laut "Washington Post" verstärkt nach Geheimnisverrätern in Behörden. Auslöser sind Veröffentlichungen über eine mögliche US-Beteiligung am Cyberkrieg gegen iranische Atomanlagen. 

Atherton moves forward with outsourcing plan
[San Jose Mercury News] - Teamsters Union Local 856, which represents the 13 pink-slipped workers, countered with a lawsuit claiming the town does not have authority to outsource the jobs "under California state government code," union representative Peter Finn said.

Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, The Fog of (Robot) War
[OpEdNews] - By Tom Engelhardt (about the author) Last week, William Wan and Peter Finn of the Washington Post reported that at least 50 countries have now purchased or developed pilotless military drones. Recently, the Chinese had more than two dozen models in

Atherton employees may go on strike in desperate bid to save jobs
[San Jose Mercury News] - Members of Teamsters Union Local 856 authorized a strike as a last-ditch effort to save jobs and draw negative attention to the town's outsourcing plans, union representative Peter Finn confirmed. Thirteen of the union's 16 public works and building
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