Peter Krapfl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Krapfl)


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Bauernmarkt feierte Jubiläum «
· Für Musik sorgten Hans Schneider und Peter Krapfl. Meist gelesen. Kommentiert. Er lebt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes für die Feuerwehr.

Landjugend Oberwölz - Aktuelles
Große Besucherzahl beim Bauernball in Ranten

DaoPay Buys Boku's Pay by Call Payment Business | Newswire
DaoPay is buying the pay by call business of Boku for an undisclosed amount. The deal strengthens the position of DaoPay in the pay by call sector, making it...

DaoPay to acquire Boku’s pay by call payment business - Electronic...
DaoPay CEO Peter Krapfl said: "With this strategic purchase we are able to strengthen our position and serve more clients than ever before." DaoPay is a phone ...
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