Peter Rander Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Rander)


(1 - 4 von 47
) Ford: Investitionen in E-Autos und autonomes Fahren | heise Autos

Ford will in den kommenden fünf Jahren viel Geld in die Themen Elektroauto und autonomes Fahren investieren. Für letzteres wurde die Firma das Start-up Argo AI...

Ford invests in Argo AI, a new artificial intelligence company, in...
Ford Motor Company announces it is investing $1 billion during the next five years in Argo AI, an artificial intelligence company, to develop a virtual

Ford, Argo AI's self-driving fleet in Detroit looks to tackle city's...
Argo AI recently launched a self-driving test fleet of Ford Fusionsthroughout Detroit.

Volkswagen closes $2.6 billion investment in self-driving startup › article
· Argo, founded in by Bryan Salesky and Peter Rander, is now jointly controlled by VW and Ford Motor Co, which made an initial investment ...
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