Petr Hofman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Petr Hofman)


(1 - 4 von 5

Petr Hofman se v OKsyste-mu ujal divize služeb | Hospodářské noviny...
Česká IT společnost OKsystem jmenovala na pozici ředitele divize služeb Petra Hofmana. Svou profesní kariéru Hofman zahájil ve společnosti Škoda Controls v...

Die Sieger des Hefaiston 2015
Die Sieger des Hefaiston 2015

Petr Červený becomes the new director of the services
Petr is taking the department over from Petr Hofman, whom we thank for his cooperation so far and wish the new director a lot of success in his new role.

Past work - Show and Tell - Bladesmith's Forum Board
Hi guys I miss to show You few last things I made I was fanscinated by Pira which I saw here in the I try it by my own way Blade is with...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Petr Hofman
Vorname "Petr" (2281)
Name "Hofman" (642)
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