Phan Huy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Phan Huy)


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In memoriam Phan Huy Lê | International Institute for Asian Studies
“A man for all seasons” is an apt label for the Vietnamese scholar Phan Huy Lê ( ) who died on June 23. The 84 years old Dean of ...

Professor Phan Huy Le p… away | National | SGGP English Edition

Professor Phan Huy Le, one of the leading historians in the country passed away at the age of 84 at Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi on June 23, ...

Vietnam's Most Prominent Historian Phan Huy Le P… Away at

Phan Huy Le is considered the doyen of Vietnamese historians. On the evening of June 23, Professor Phan Huy Le - one of Vietnam's most ...

Basel Baselland - Sibyl Anwander Phan-huy soll in Bankrat - News ...
Die Basler CVP hat Sibyl Anwander Phan-huy für die Nachfolge von Markus Lehmann nominiert.
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