Phil Doll Person-Info 

( Ich bin Phil Doll)


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Sam, Phil and Willie see shadows...and more winter - The Globe › news › article
· Bob Eschelman of Curwensville, Pennsylvania, jokes around with a Punxsutawney Phil doll he made while waiting for the famed weather ...

Photos of Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day
Bob Eschelman of Curwensville, Pa., joked around with a Punxsutawney Phil doll he made while waiting for the groundhog to make his annual appearance.

Marriage announcement for Emma Louise Hausman and Phil Doll
Clipping found in Kentucky Irish American in Louisville, Kentucky on Nov 18, Marriage announcement for Emma Louise Hausman and Phil Doll

Büchenbronner Phil Doll läuft im Glaspalast allen davon - Sport -...
Sindelfingen. Der Leichtathletikkreis Pforzheim hatte zum Vergleichkampf der Klasse U12 aufgerufen, aber nur der SV Büchenbronn war bereit, mit einer ...
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