Phil Pinder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Phil Pinder)


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Trades and professions | The Times
· Sir, I agree with Mr Phil Pinder (letter, May 20) regarding the future funding of university places and drawing attention to the fact that “we are ...

Cuffs & Co owner Phil Pinder injured after being hit on head by...
A YORK shop owner was victim of his own success, when he was injured by his business award while preparing his new shop.

England lockdown end date confusion: Did government 'mess up › news
· If Phil Pinder doesn't manage to reopen his drinks business in York tomorrow he could lose up £1,000 in potential sales. Phil, 43, who owns a ...

Guardian: Youth finds its voice | From the Guardian | The Guardian

make it right. Phil Pinder Chair, TGWU Young Members' Forum.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Phil Pinder
Phillip Pinder
Vorname "Phil" (5576)
Name "Pinder" (448)
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