Philippe Jenny Person-Info 

( Ich bin Philippe Jenny)


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Gelexir backed by The Co Angel Investment Service - Manchester...
The Manchester University spin out has invested a gel that could prevent the need for back surgery

Exposition. L’Alsace sous l’œil de Guy Wurth et Jean-Philippe Jenny
Exposition L'Alsace sous l'œil de Guy Wurth et Jean-Philippe Jenny. Depuis le 22 novembre et jusqu'à la fin de l'année, le Groupe d'animation ...

Gelexir Healthcare, Financial hearing, | Financial Hearings
Gelexir Healthcare, Financial hearing, November 21st :45 (Europe/Stockholm). Language: Swedish. Speaker: CEO Philippe Jenny. Venue: Helio GT 30, Grev Turegatan 30 Stockholm. Sector: Health care - Equipment & Services. Activity: Financial hearing. Webcast:.
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