Piero Boi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Piero Boi)


Corsham pub reopens with new local ethos | The Wiltshire Gazette and...

The Methuen Arms is set for a grand reopening next week as one of Corsham’s most prestigious town centre venues after months of renovation work.

Corsham hotel will reopen with local flavour | Wiltshire Times

The Methuen Arms is ready for a grand reopening as one of Corsham’s top town centre venues next week, after months of renovation work.

Liberi e Uguali: a San Gimignano il comitato per la Valdelsa -...

Piero Boi - dipendente pubblico. Claudio Burgassi – imprenditore artigiano. Simone Burgassi - lavoratore dipendente privato. Franco Cazzola –docente univ. in pensione. Vanna Meiattini - pensionata. Gianfranco Razzanelli - pensionato. Eros Salini - imprenditore agricolo. Annalisa Boi - operaia agricola

Methuen Arms in Corsham named best dining pub in Wiltshire | The...

THE Methuen Arms in Corsham has topped the bill as the Best Dining Pub in Wiltshire according to the Good Pub Guide.
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