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Livin’ on a Prayer? Palestinians ask Bon Jovi to boycott Tel Aviv...
Jon Bon Jovi and the boys are scheduled to play Tel Aviv on Oct 3rd. (Twitter). A Palestinian group has created an online petition urging Bon ...

Robbie Williams rocks Tel Aviv and the boycott - Yahoo ...
But, he is also going to play Tel Aviv in May, which he has already said he's looking forward to, comparing those asking him not to go - the BDS ...

Alan Keane on ending his retirement to play for Dundalk in Europe |...
Interview with Alan Keane, the man who has come out of retirement to play European football for Dundalk.

Jon Bon Jovi to Play Tel Aviv - Israel National News
#BDSFail: Bon Jovi to give concert in October, years after a tour was cancelled due to international pressure.
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