Raad Hashim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raad Hashim)


(1 - 4 von 9

Baghdad commuters face Russian roulette - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

"Sadly it is part of Iraqi society to live under the threat of death," said Raad Hashim Emin, 33, a lawyer at the ministry, as he hurried into the ...

nrk.no: Selvmordsbomberskole gikk i lufta – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og...

Selvmordsbomberinstruktøren i Irak glemte første regel i undervisningsmanualen: Ikke lek med ekte sprengstoff i timene.

Ooops! Isis suicide bombing instructor blows up his own class by...
“Raad Hashim, who works at a liquor store near the site of the bombing”. As consuming liquor is forbidden by Islam, we can guess that Raad ...

Suicide Bomber Instructor Accidently Blows Up Entire Class in Iraq |...

BAGHDAD – A suicide bomber instructor in Iraq accidently set off his own explosives during a training on Monday, killing himself and his entire class of would
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Person "Hashim" (1)
Vorname "Raad" (67)
Name "Hashim" (144)
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