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Small sector in AP to get some relief from power cut

[SteelGuru] - Reacting to requests from a delegation of Federation of AP Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Mr Jain said that from April 15 when the Rabi season comes to

Indian Market Seen Higher

[RTT News] good rabi harvest would bring down prices in the next few weeks. Separately, finance minister also said double-digit inflation was a matter of concern

“Good rabi harvest may bring down food prices”

[The Hindu] - While the rise in prices of food products is “troubling,” a good rabi harvest is expected to bring down prices in the next few weeks, said C. Rangarajan

Google News: Heavy Rainfall Damages Standing Rabi Crops In Aurangabad District Of Maharashtra

[BloombergUTV] - Farmers said that they were in urgent need of relief from the State government. Standing crop of barley and fodder crop were damaged severely.
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