Rafael Ventura Pizarro Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rafael Ventura Pizarro)


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Teenager afraid of water and who couldn't swim died after jumping...

Flavio Rafael Pizarro, 13, passed away nine days after being pulled from the Rochdale canal in Middleton

Etiqueta: «Rafael Pizarro Pérez-Troya» / Página: 1 - Ultima Horawww.ultimahora.es › etiqueta › Rafael+Pizarro+P...

Todas las noticias sobre Rafael Pizarro Pérez-Troya: actualidad, última hora, hemeroteca, vídeos, y fotos.

BBC Local Live: Greater Manchester on Tuesday 14 June BBC News

All the latest news, sport, travel and weather from across Greater Manchester and east Cheshire on Tuesday 14 June

Boy, 13, loses fight for life after falling into canal while playing...

Rafael Pizarro, from Middleton, Greater Manchester, was taken to hospital on June 5 but has now died
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rafael Ventura Pizarro
Rafael Pizarro
Vorname "Ventura" (26)
Name "Pizarro" (2432)
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