Raffaella Negretti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raffaella Negretti)


Lisa McGrath and Raffaella Negretti - Reading blogs, task and...

Lisa McGrath and Raffaella Negretti – Reading blogs, task and feedback. Lisa McGrath and Raffaella Negretti - Reading blogs, task and feedback ...

Academic Writing and Peer Review for International Journals

Raffaella Negretti from Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden will be presenting this workshop which focuses on academic ...

New publication from Dr Lisa McGrath in the Journal of Second...

The article is co-authored with Dr Raffaella Negretti at Chalmers University, Sweden

Programme - Luleå University of Technology

Here you'll find the schedule for everything from Keynote speeches, paper presentations and social events.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Raffaella Negretti
Lisa McGrath
Vorname "Raffaella" (521)
Name "Negretti" (75)
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