Rafid Al-Nabhan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rafid Al-Nabhan)


(1 - 4 von 14

N.S. police seize 'camouflaged’ camera, arrest doctor for allegedly...

Police have assured the college of physicians that the washroom was not used by patients of Dr. Rafid al-Nassar but only the staff at his clinic

Iraqi Defector 'Curveball' Admits WMD Lies, Is Proud of Tricking U.S....

The Iraqi defector Rafid al-Janabi codenamed Curveball, who falsely claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, admitted to the lies today and said...

Fleeing doctors threaten Iraq's health | The Star

It was a cool spring day in Baghdad. Dr. Rafid al-Nassar and his wife, Dr. Rasha al-Manahi, were venturing out of their house to buy groceries, ...

L'incroyable histoire du mensonge qui a permis la guerre en Irak

ENQUÊTE. Les informations qui ont servi, il y a dix ans, de prétexte à l'invasion de l'Irak, sortaient de l'imagination d'un affabulateur.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rafid Al-Nabhan
Vorname "Rafid" (23)
Name "al-Nabhan" (1)
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