Rahim Nasir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rahim Nasir)


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APTMA seeks 5-year policy for textiles, clothing - Business & Finance...

· All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) Punjab Senior Vice Chairman Abdul Rahim Nasir has urged the government to provide five-year ...

Govt.Boys primary school, Killi Chapli Abdul Rahim Nasir, Loralai

Govt.Boys primary school, Killi Chapli Abdul Rahim Nasir, Loralai - View address, phone number, website and see information about Govt.Boys primary school,...

APTMA demands new textile policy

Punjab chairman urges govt to announce a new textile policy to attract fresh investment to the industry

Measures being taken to enhance cotton production: SAPM - Daily Times

Measures being taken to enhance cotton productivity for sustainable economic development: SAPM Daily Times
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Person "Nasir" (2)
Vorname "Rahim" (506)
Name "Nasir" (1007)
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