Abdel Rahman Osman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdel Rahman Osman)


Sudan Planning to Improve Oil Production to Feed Refineries

— ... the needs of oil refineries, in particular, Sudan's Minister of Oil and Gas Abdel Rahman Osman Abdel Rahman told Sputnik on Wednesday. › News

Mohammed Fathi Osman: A powerful Muslim voice

An Egyptian intellectual who made his home in America from the 1970s, was a powerful voice for modernism within Muslim faith.

Fathi Osman dies at 82; voice for modernism in Islam - Los Angeles...

Fathi Osman dies at 82; voice for modernism in Islam
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Abdel Rahman Osman
Mohammed Abdel
Person "Osman" (1)
Vorname "Rahman" (279)
Name "Osman" (1293)
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