Rami Al Rayes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rami Al Rayes)


(1 - 4 von 8

Lebanon: Signs of solution in Arsal following withdrawal of...

Meanwhile, Rami Al-Rayes, media officer of the PSP, told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Jumblatt sensed the danger of the events in Arsal and he warned ...

Konflikt in Syrien: Ruhe und Angst im Libanon - Naher Osten - FAZ

Der Krieg in Syrien greift nicht auf das kleine Nachbarland über. Aber der Konflikt vertieft die Brüche dort. Die schiitische Hizbullah...

New Page 5

... Lozeh and strengthen the relationship between Swaida's Druze and residents of Deraa, PSP spokesperson Rami Rayes told The Daily Star.

The speaker outcast - or just di

PSP spokesperson Rami Rayes told The Daily Star on Sunday that the party has received "reliable information about wide areas in Jizzine, Souk al-Gharb, Aley and Hasbaya
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rami Al Rayes
Vorname "Rami" (1119)
Name "al Rayes" (18)
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