Rana Akram Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rana Akram)


(1 - 4 von 20

Mumtaz Mustafa elected vice chairman PBC – Business Recorder

Rana Akram has notched the seat of Chairman Executive Committee by beating Adil Mushtaq. Akram obtained 40 votes while Mushtaq got 30.

Down with privatisation: ‘Supporting privatisation amounts to...

WAPDA employees urge union leaders to take action against govt.

Youth ‘sets mother on fire’ - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Station House Officer Rana Akram claimed Naziran set herself ablaze after an argument with Munir, according to initial investigation. He also ...

Pakistan police raid security contractor - The Boston Globe

Police official Rana Akram said that two Inter-Risk employees were arrested and being questioned. He said authorities were also seeking the ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rana Akram
Thomas Forster
Vorname "Rana" (1096)
Name "Akram" (885)
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