Randy Kelley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Randy Kelley)


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Grain production field day

[Pittsburg Morning Sun] Dr. Randy Price, an agricultural engineer from K-State will talk abut Emerging Technologies in Agriculture. Kenneth Kelley, Crops and Soils Agronomist

Wife's loyalty earns 21 months in jail

[Worcester Telegram] - Ms. Kelley urged the sentence to be more in line with the 1 year given to Randy Albertelli, who had a wider role in distributing football cards

New market aims to make shopping a pl...

[Montgomery Newspapers] - “We're smaller than conventional supermarkets,” Randy Kelley, senior vice president for real estate and development, said of the square-foot store set

Worship Guide

[Gadsden Times] - Randy B. Kelley, pastor of Rising Star United Methodist Church and Saint John United Methodist Church. • Gadsden Christian Fellowship, 719 Nunnally Ave.
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