Raphael Arndt Person-Info 

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Australian $165 Billion Wealth Fund Returns to Stock PickersBloomberg

— ... Raphael Arndt said in a speech in Sydney on Thursday. The fund had pivoted away from them six years ago as markets fueled by loose monetary — ... Raphael Arndt said in a speech in Sydney on Thursday. The fund had pivoted away from them six years ago as markets fueled by loose monetary ...

Behind the Future Fund's $256bn betThe Australian

— Future Fund CEO Raphael Arndt. But if Arndt is wrong, it could represent years of sub-par performance – or at — Future Fund CEO Raphael Arndt. But if Arndt is wrong, it could represent years of sub-par performance – or at ...

Australia's Future Fund eyes small cap equitiesYahoo

— Raphael Arndt said investments like office buildings or shopping centres offer less safety, and a large cap company could be split up — Raphael Arndt said investments like office buildings or shopping centres offer less safety, and a large cap company could be split up ...

Future Fund promotes Dr Raphael Arndt to CEOWAtoday

— Chief investment officer Raphael Arndt has been promoted to the top job at the sovereign wealth fund.
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