Raphael Conz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raphael Conz)


(1 - 4 von 25

Valtronic Celebrates EPFL Innovation Park Office Opening

Mr. Raphael Conz, head of the Economic Promotion of the State of Vaud, praised Valtronic's contribution to the economic tissue as a high-tech ...

26th MedTech Investing Europe Conference Qwoted

Raphael Conz Economic Promotion Manager, State of Vaud (Switzerland). Dr. Hubert Birner Managing Director, Munich, TVM Capital (Canada). Corinne Lebourgeois › opportun...

Tech Tour

Yvan Dénéréaz. Economic Promotion Project Manager. State of Vaud, Office for Economic Affairs (SPECo) (Switzerland). Raphael Conz. State of Vaud, Office for ...

Programme - www-test.techtour.com

Raphael Conz, State of Vaud, Office for Economic Affairs (SPECo) 09:30: Keynote Speech Alexandre Tavazzi, Global Strategist, Pictet & …
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