Raphael Jean Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raphael Jean)


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Avis des managers - Accord Microsoft / Novell : Raphael Jean

Avis des managers: le rachat de Jboss par Red Hat :

EntropySoft Announces the Release of Its Content ETL 2

Raphael Jean, EntropySoft CTO. Content ETL is designed to structure and industrialize the transfers and transformations between ...

Man shot during ambush outside Miami-Dade County home

A 25-year-old man was shot in his car after pulling up in front of his northeast Miami-Dade County home Thursday afternoon, police said.

Fit für das Leben: "Trainingscamp für Studium und Ausbildung"

114 Schüler haben am Nikolaus-von-Kues-Gymnasium das Abitur bestanden. Schulleiter Alfred Schmitt verlieh ihnen bei einer Feierstunde die Abiturzeugnisse.
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