Rashid Al-F Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rashid Al-F)


(1 - 4 von 59

Spiegel.de: The Smiling Islamist: Popular Politician Worries Secular Tunisians -...

Free elections are set to take place for the first time next week in Tunisia, the country that set the Arab Spring in motion. The strongest party could turn...

Princess Haya: Dubai ruler sues wife in UK's High Court - CNN

Dubai's billionaire ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has opened a legal case against one of his wives, Princess Haya bint ...

Taz: Kommentar Gute Nachrichten 2009: Künstliche Inseln des Friedens -...

Der Regent von Dubai setzt sich für ein friedliches Beisammensein der Palästinenser und der Israelis ein - indem er künstliche Inseln bauen lässt.

Unconfirmed Reports Princess Haya in Hiding in London After Stunning...

The wife of Dubai’s billionaire ruler is believed to be in hiding in London after the break-up of her marriage, according to sources close to the family.
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