Ray T. Bohacz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ray T. Bohacz)


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Farmer Up! at the Commodity Classic | Successful Farming

Grab your boots and head to the largest farmer-focused convention and trade show.

A case for diesel - NTEAwww.ntea.com › NTEA › NTEANewsarticles › Acas...

(According to “What You Need to Know about Fuel's Cetane and Octane Ratings” by Ray Bohacz, a cetane number measures “the fuel's eagerness to ignite from ...

Consumers care about content

As a fan of the domestic auto industry and especially Ford Motor Co., I waited with anxious anticipation to see the Ford Fusion and Mercury Milan.

Cooling system flow direction - Tech Section - Cheers and Gears

When the Lt1 first came out, a big deal was made about the flow direction of the coolant, from the top, or heads on down, as an improvement in engine cooling...
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Name "Bohacz" (8)
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