Red Setter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Red Setter)


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Best things to do in Greer and Arizona's White Mountains
CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE ... Splurge accommodation : Red Setter Lodge The in-town hike is easy to get to — there's a trailhead at Red Setter Lodge that requires a soggy crossing of the Little ...

Owner astonished as Roma the red setter has record-breaking 17 pups -...
A FAMILY pet has had the mother of all litters - and set a new world record.

Red Setter | Crufts 2015: Day Four highlights, in pictures - Pets
Red setter is trimmed. Red Setter Glennara Sagattare getting a trim from Ken Kennedy of Wexford Ireland and Katrina Hall. John Robertson/The Telegraph.

Barney the red setter becomes Blue Peter's ninth dog - Mirror Online
Blue Peter’s Helen Skelton proudly presents the newest member of the famous TV team – Barney.
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Person "Setter" (2)
Vorname "Red" (1757)
Name "Setter" (117)
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