Rejane Maria Almeida Rodrigues Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rejane Maria Almeida Rodrigues)


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Fall Madeleine: Polizei ermittelt heimlich weiter
“Wir werden das in aller Stille und natürlich ohne die Anwesenheit der Medien machen“, sagte der Direktor der Kriminalpolizei, José Maria Almeida Rodrigues, am ...

BBC NEWS | UK | Madeleine police chief quits post
The Portuguese police chief criticised for his handling of the Madeleine McCann case has resigned, says the Ministry of Justice.

″Rudes golpes″ na criminalidade
Almeida Rodrigues, o primeiro polícia a assumir a Direcção Nacional da PJ, considera

Madeleine McCann - 'Operation Grange' police arrive in the › news ›
The national director of the Judicial Police, José Maria Almeida Rodrigues, said that he could not reveal details of the visit, "We are operating ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rejane Maria Almeida Rodrigues
Person "Rodrigues" (1)
Vorname "Maria" (74561)
Name "Rodrigues" (6271)
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