Rem Brandt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rem Brandt)


(1 - 4 von 11

Rem brandt exhibition relaunches revamped art gallery | HeraldScotland
Paintings by the Dutch master Rembrandt feature in the exhibition at the Hunterian Art Gallery in the University of Glasgow until December,…

The name's Brandt. Rem Brandt. - Art History News - by Bendor...
A history of art blog covering news stories on art history matters. The blog covers news of auctions from the likes of Sotheby's, Christie's and Bonhams of...

Erben gesucht | Jüdische Allgemeine
Israel-Museum stellt Raubkunst ins Netz

Rem and Tom Brandt: Sun Prairie's 'Public Enemies' | News › news
Rem Brandt (pictured) and his son, Tom, were in Oshkosh to participate in the filming of "Public Enemies" set to be released in July, (photo courtesy Rem ...
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