Renato Peter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Renato Peter)


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Google News: Leonardo Soledispa jugará como zaguero central en U.Católica

[Sucre RTV] - La pareja de zagueros centrales con la que trabaja el profesor Renato Salas es con Leonardo Soledispa por derecha y Peter Mercado por izquierda.

Yahoo News Canada
— Among the 34 who will pledge to “sacrifice his life” to defend the pope at a ceremony on Monday is Renato Peter, 22, who was recruited from ...

Guardian: The Guardian

vor 3 Tagen — Among the 34 who will pledge to “sacrifice his life” to defend the pope at a ceremony on Monday is Renato Peter, 22, who was recruited from ...

Aargauer Zeitung
... Renato Peter, Tanja Gächter, Liam Rohner, Andrina Peter, (hinten v. l.) Geraldine Kolb, Raphael Muhm, Jan Kopp, Albert Peter, liessen sich dadurch nicht ...
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