Riaz Akhtar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Riaz Akhtar)


(1 - 4 von 7

Military Flair Up Between India and Pakistan See Both Sides Blaming...

ISLAMABAD: Both the senior judges of the AJK Supreme Court, Justice Manzoor Hussain Gilani and Justice Riaz Akhtar Chaudhry, resigned ...

Charlie Hebdo : des musulmans des Maritimes révoltés | Un acte de...

Au lendemain de la fusillade au journal Charlie Hebdo à Paris, des musulmans des Maritimes dénoncent le recours à la violence au nom de l'Islam

nrk.no: Da Riaz møtte Laila – NRK Kultur og underholdning

Da pakistanske Riaz fant kjærligheten med den 20 år yngre Laila, forlot han bylivet i Oslo til fordel for sørlandsidyll.

Moncton's 1st mosque opens to Muslims, non-Muslims | CBC News

Members of Moncton's multicultural community say the weekend opening of the city's first mosque means a lot to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
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Vorname "Riaz" (96)
Name "Akhtar" (460)
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