Riaz Jahangir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Riaz Jahangir)


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Military Flair Up Between India and Pakistan See Both Sides Blaming...

... Dilawar resident of Chatha Buttah while those who fainted in the well were identified as Niaz Muhammad, Riaz Jahangir and Gul Muhammad ...

Administrative circus surrounds suspended patwari - Newspaper -...

... Shaikh Riaz Jahangir on the directions of then district coordination officer (DCO) Zahid Saleem Gondal for demanding bribe from landowners ...

Green Hill Corporation (Pvt) Ltd., Sialkot, Pakistan - Business...

Established (Year), 0. Company Head, Jahangir Riaz Jahangir Riaz - Chief Executive. Address, Shataab Garah Road, Ravail Pura, Sialkot, Pakistan. Website ...

‘Slow’ pace of Metro project compensation: Revenue record taken from...

The affected people and officials concerned told the DCO that Patwari Sheikh Riaz Jahangir of Mauza Juma Khalsa was not visiting the camp ...
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