Rita Nemitz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rita Nemitz)


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43 Sonsbeck-Hamb Gemeinschaft Freiherrlichkeit

Schriftführung: Christel Plaschna, Gesprächsgruppe: , Montag, 19:30 Uhr,. Bernd Henn, T ,. Rita Nemitz, T.

Rural Ismay rebuilding local post office | News | falloncountyextra.comwww.falloncountyextra.com › news › rural-ismay-re...

It has been ruled an accident,” Rita Nemitz said almost a year ago. “We are working on it to rebuild. It is a slow process.” Part of the wait was tied to insurance and ...

I is for Ismay: Tiny town renamed itself Joe, Montana and got more...

Ismay: ‘9 miles from the middle of nowhere…

Newsletter Sunday January 28th, 2018

ANNIVERSARIES: Frances Walliser, Sarah Judge, Philippa Head, Kathleen Murphy, Mina Rita Nemitz. FEAST DAYS: Thursday, St Henry ...
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