Robbie Fell Person-Info 

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Bunya debate to be heard by full council
[Cumberland Courier Newspapers] - Cr Mick Smart acted after the Advocate reported on February 11 that a 7kg nut fell from a bunya tree and through a roof. Robbie Gers (pictured), who lives

Cook: The prodigal father graduates | Chattanooga Times Free Press
In 2011, Destin Sisemore, the smartest kid in high school, was walking across the Lake-view-Fort Oglethorpe graduation stage with valedictory honors and five...

Show gives The Wizard of Oz a soul twist | Oxford Mail
AMATEUR actors are off to see The Wizard in a new musical take on The Wizard Of Oz.

Hundreds say farewell to Burnley boy who fell from canal bridge pipe...
TEARS fell as hundreds of mourners packed a Burnley church to say farewell to 11-year-old Robbie Williamson.
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