Said Kilic Person-Info 

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Professor's research flagged at UAMS
A journal's published retraction of a scholarly article in February cited an

Germany scrambles to counter lure of Islamic State | Reuters
At Berlin's inner-city Carl von Ossietzky high school, Islamic State is on everyone's lips, says history and politics teacher Nalan Kilic.

Russian Ambassador Turkey: Turkey cop shoots Russian ambassador 'for...
The incident came after days of protests in Turkey over Russia's role in Syria, though Moscow and Ankara are now working closely together to evacuate citizens...

Neue Profilklassen an der Sekundarschule: Stadt Ahlen
(v.l.) Svenja Wunderlich, Annchristin Lettmann-Osthoff, Fabian Blech, Daniel Ebbers, Mehmet Said Kilic, Sonja Voss, Julia Borgelt
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Person "Kilic" (11)
Vorname "Said" (3306)
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