Said Massud Fani Yazdi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Massud Fani Yazdi)


(1 - 4 von 14

BBC News | Monitoring | Iranian opposition leader arrested in Tehran
The Iranian news agency IRNA has reported the arrest of the secretary-general of the country's only tolerated opposition group, the Freedom Movement.

Canadian resident faces execution in Iran after appeal is rejected |...
“The lawyers have not yet received the ruling in writing, but they did confirm the death sentence verbally,” said Yazdi. “Only the united efforts of ...

An act of sheer kindness: Gift of hearing |
From complaining about a worker s non-responsiveness to helping change his life forever Iraqi family brings happiness into silent world of hearing and...

Guardian: Case of man who went missing in Dubai raises questions over UK-Iran...

SFO gave Iranians details copied from computer of British citizen who may have been kidnapped
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Said Massud Fani Yazdi
Vorname "Massud" (88)
Name "Yazdi" (93)
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