Said Naim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Naim)


(1 - 4 von 43

Canadian teenager Daniel Jebbison turns heads with Premier League...
Canadian teenager Daniel Jebbison made his first start for Sheffield United in England's Premier League.

Wild brawl erupts after FedEx truck hits mourner outside funeral
“As the FedEx truck was coming by, he appeared to be impatient because [of] so many people,” said Naim Jawad, a board member of the Beit ...

Jakarta attacks: Convicted militant named as attacker - BBC › news › world-asia
· Insp Gen Karnavian said Naim's "vision" was to unite various IS-supporting groups across South East Asia. IS released a statement saying it ...

Jakarta attack highlights jostle to lead Islamic State in SE Asia |...
Last week's attack on Jakarta showed for the first time that Islamic State violence has arrived in Indonesia, but security experts believe the radical group's...
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