Said Rachid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Said Rachid)


(1 - 4 von 69

Coinbase goes public with a nearly $100 billion valuation - CNN
· ... to cryptocurrencies and will help further legitimize it," said Rachid Ajaja, CEO of AllianceBlock, a blockchain capital markets firm.

Disabled chefs serve as model for change in Morocco | The Seattle...
... through parliament “will contribute to the strengthening and regulation of social welfare institutions for people with disabilities,” said Rachid El ...

Hilmi Law Firm invites more US companies to Morocco - Washington Times
· We regularly advise local and US private equity funds, multinationals and local and foreign SMEs” said Rachid Hilmi.

Unvaccinated French health care workers face suspension
· I want them to listen to us and sit and talk around a table,” said Rachid Ouchem, a medical-psychological assistant at a hospital in Plaisir ...
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