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Poverty levels are high in affluent Germany
[Deutsche Welle] - That said, Schneider agreed the situation is dramatic, in particular for recipients of "Hartz IV" welfare benefits: it is impossible for people reliant on the welfare payments to get by reasonably for an entire month, he said. Single parents currently

The boxer who wants to save Ukraine
[Deutsche Welle] - His popularity as a world champion should also not be underrated, said Schneider-Deters, who sees in Klitschko as a kind of Arnold Schwarzenegger figure. "The Californians elect a Hollywood star as governor; why can't the Ukrainians elect an athlete?" Luxembourg Warns of Investor Flight from Europe - DER SPIEGEL

In Luxembourg, leaders are warning that applying the Cypriot bailout model -- a levy on bank deposits -- to other crisis-plagued countries could lead to a...

4 things we learned from Seahawks’ John Schneider, Pete Carroll as...
Here are four things we learned during the Seahawks' pre-draft press conference Tuesday.
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