Sajid Ishaq Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sajid Ishaq)


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Hundreds of Christians flee Pakistani capital to live in forest |...
Having fled their homes in the latest spasm of Pakistani religious strife, a few hundred Christians have camped in a forest in the Pakistani capital, cut down...

Sajid Ishaq - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Sajid Ishaq including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

Interfaith League chief joins PTI
Sajid Ishaq, a renowned social worker and prominent leader of Pakistan Interfaith community leader, said that PIL had 377,000 registered members in three provinces of the country. He announced that Christian religious clerics, executive body members and general body of PIL were happy to join the PTI ...

Criminal case: PTI’s minorities wing chief in hot water
Sources claim Imran Khan has decided to remove Sajid Sandhu.
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