Salam A. Mohammed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Salam A. Mohammed)


(1 - 4 von 9
) Irak: US-Streitkräfte kesseln Falludscha ein - DER SPIEGEL

Brutale Anschläge und grausame Hinrichtungen - nach einem blutigen Wochenende mit mehr als 60 Toten hat die irakische Übergangsregierung für zwei Monate den...

Iraqis desperate to return to homes rigged with bombs by Islamic...
Khedr Selim trod gingerly through the rubble of his old home, desperate to move back in with his family after two years on the run, but terrified in case...

PM - Shiekh Zoud rejects jihad recruitment claims
A Muslim cleric accused of being the chief recruiter of Australias so-called jihad network says theres no truth to the allegations News Limited newspapers said...

‘Shun corruption to build India’ | Arab News
Young Indians can only build a developed nation if they work hard and avoid corrupt actions, a former Indian space scientist said here recently.Abdul Salam...
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