Samir Bal Patil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samir Bal Patil)


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Mother Teresa now starring in a comic book
[Mid-Day] - "What I found most interesting about Mother Teresa was the scale on which she carried out her work, and that too in a country like India," says Samir Patil

Symantec Unveils New Spam Scam
[SPAMfighter News] - According to Samir Patil, a Security Researcher at Symantec, the size of attached file is 119KB and it frequently displays pseudo-random file names like

Scammers Make DDoS Threats Against Website Owners
[Softpedia] - Symantec's Samir Patil, writes. Even though Symantec assures users that this is just a scam, DDoS-based extortion does exist and has been used by

Symantec Uncovers Another Sneaky Spam Scam
[] - The attachment file size is 119KB and, according to Symantec security researcher Samir Patil, often displays pseudo-random file names such as "lance
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Samir Bal Patil
Vorname "Samir" (3415)
Name "Bal Patil" (1)
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